Baptism Explained

A lot of people often have questions about baptism, this blog is going to help clear those questions up and explain what baptism is. Why get baptized? 1) To follow Jesus’ example. (Mark 1:9) 2) Jesus told us to baptize and be baptized. (Matthew 28:19, 20) 3) Jesus baptized and made disciples. (John 4:1) 4)…read more.

Sunday Recap: The Real Superman, JESUS!

Sunday Recap This last Sunday was a good Sunday. We had 99 in attendance and 2 saved. It was the first week of our Superheroes series and people loved taking pictures with Captain America! This series has a lot of potential to be a “game changer” for our church. This coming week we are interviewing…read more.

Mr. God?

When you’re in a relationship long enough, you can look back at it and kind of track its progression through various stages. In an ideal romantic relationship, couples tend to experience different types of attraction – physical, emotional, spiritual. Titles come with that too – girlfriend, wife, lover, mother of your children, friend. I was…read more.

30 Minutes A Day!

I love infomercials! I know it’s weird, but when I come across that random channel at night that has countless infomercials, I’m hooked! I’ve never bought anything, but I’m always impressed at the random stuff that they can sell! Then, I usually YouTube the parody version for a quick laugh. My favorite infomercials scams are the…read more.

Sunday Recap: Making Sense of the Family Zoo

This past week at Church At The GYM, Pastor Williams shared a message entitled, “From Generation to Generation: Making Sense of the Family Zoo.” It was a very informative and challenging message for all of us who were there. After the message, a few questions came up. Here they are along with our response. This…read more.

FWIW | Fireworks

FWIW (For What It’s Worth) fireworks are awesome. Seriously, I don’t know if it’s possible for someone not to like fireworks. I went to two events with two great display of fireworks this year. My favorite fireworks are probably the ones that explode, then explode again, and look like a scattering affect. Almost like they…read more.


Put a nice steak from Outback, cooked medium, in front of me. I may not be hungry now, but give me enough time and I’m going to eat it. So often we allow a temptation to be sat in front of us, because we are not desiring that thing at the moment. However, given enough…read more.

God is still God & God is Still Good

This is the story of Zac Smith. This video testimony was taped while he was on staff at NewSpring Church in South Carolina. It’s a powerful story that teaches us that regardless of what happens in life God is still God, and God is still Good. Please take a few moments to really think about…read more.

Courageous . . . the Movie

Save-the-Date! The producers of Fireproof and Facing the Giants will be releasing a new movie on September 30th. It is called Courageous! Check it out the trailer below and plan to go see it. And by the way, here’s the movies official website:

Fear Makes Us…

What is your biggest dream? If money wasn’t an issue, what would you be doing? If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do? What decision do you need to make, but you haven’t made it, yet? The answer to all of these questions in a nutshell is fear. Fear is not only contagious…read more.