The Courage to Execute Judgment

In Numbers 25:1-9 there is an interesting story, and by interesting I mean a tragedy.

One of the saddest tragedies of my generation (30 and under) has been the attacks on September 11th. I can’t believe it has almost been 10 years. 3,000 people died that day and that is a tragedy.

In Numbers 25, there is a plague going on and 24,000 die, because of their disobedience against God. The Bible records a story in vs. 6-9 about how people were open with their sin. Nobody had the courage to stand up and address the issues at hand.

That is until someone named Phinehas addresses the issues. Phinehas in front of everyone got his spear walked up to the two who were in sin and speared them both with his spear!

The Bible in Psalm gives Phinehas a shout out in Psalm 106:30 – “Phinehas had the courage to intervene, stand up, execute judgment and the played was stopped.”

God is looking for people who will stand up and take care of the issues in their tent.


(Contributed by Jason Williams)